
Depth of Knowledge is Impressive
May 20, 2013
I am writing to thank you for helping me better understand the inner workings of Workers Compensation insurance. While I have had quite a bit of safety management experience, I had never learned or really understood workers compensation insurance to the extent that you have made possible through our coaching sessions. I recently attended a Workers Comp Conference in Indianapolis that I had hoped would provide an even greater understanding of the “ins and outs” of managing loss exposures, but instead, I discovered that you had already taught me more than I could gain from those “experts” – your explanations (definitions delivered in plain language) regarding trends, frequency, severity, and the ramifications associated with those factors were much more helpful than I initially realized. What you have taught me has allowed me to become more effective in the way I manage against losses, and even how I design my preventative programs. You are a great resource, Ray. And I appreciate your training style immensely.
Should you ever decide to become a workers compensation trainer, I would sign up for every course!
Denise H. Klausner
Safety Manager
Fort Wayne Metals

Finally, Understand the Experience Mod
As you know, our ability to perform work is partially dependent on our Experience Modification Rating. In the past, other insurance agents told me how the EMR works. I thought that I understood the process until you explained it to me. That discussion was a real eye-opener!
Because of your assistance and expertise, I feel like our company will finally be able to take control of our workers’ compensation program instead of leaving everything up to other people to decide how much we are actually paying in addition to our insurance premium.
I would like to thank you for helping me understand how workers’ compensation insurance and the EMR really works.
Shannon West
Office Manager
Graber & Graber Contractors, Inc
Grabill, IN
Overcharges are rampant in workers’ compensation. Find out why!
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